
‘北京聚享游’HJX2000 消防设备电源监控系统是依据国家标准《消防设备电源监控系统》GB 28184-2011 及《消防控制室通用技术要求》GB 25506-2010,进行设计和生产。该系统由消防设备电源状态监控器、电压电流传感器、开关量模块以及消防设备电源监控中继箱组成。通过检测被测设备电源的电压、电流、开关状态等有关信息,从而判断电源设备是否有断路、短路、过压、欠压、缺相、错相以及过流(过载)、主备电等故障信息并报警、记录。具有数字化、智能化、自动化和连续监控的特性。实时反映出被监控设备电源的状况,并集中显示,从而可以有效避免在火灾发生时,消防设备由于电源故障而无法正常工作的危急情况,最大限度的保障消防联动系统的可靠性。该系统适用于智能楼宇、高层公寓、宾馆、饭店、商厦、工矿企业、国家重点消防单位以及石油化工、文教卫生、金融、电信等领域。

Hover's HJX2000 Firefighting equipment power monitoring and control system is fully complied with GB28184 & GB25506-2010 Chinese National Standard. The system contains Power Monitoring Controller, VI sensor, Switch module and Repeater. This system is specialized in monitoring, recording and alarming the fault situation including open/short circuit, over/low voltage or current, phase loss, phase dislocation of the fire fighting dedicated power supply. The system is fully digital and automatic, and provides constantly monitored data, and reflects real-time status of certain power supply. All monitoring data and information can recorded and displayed on the controller to avoid the deadly damage in the case of fire caused of power down, which efficiently guarantees fire safety of the building.